(TISE deler sine opplevelser her på 3in over de neste 4 ukene, fra oppholdet på TINC i San Fransico:-)

Hi guys! As you’re reading this – we have just arrived in Palo Alto, California. My name is Axel, and I am the CTO of Tise.

Tise is a startup based in Oslo, and we aim to make the world more sustainable by making second hand trade fun, easy and accessible. This fall we are one of 13 lucky participants of Innovation Norway’s TINC Silicon Valley program.


TINC is a four-week intensive incubator program, based out of the Nordic Innovation House in Palo Alto, just outside San Francisco. The program aims at faster commercialisation for its participants, which is done by providing access to world-class mentors and network, in addition to people from Innovation Norway and at the Nordic Innovation House. By being located in the tech-innovation epicentre of the world, you can say that the foundation is in place.

For us, getting accepted to TINC was a huge boost. We are flattered that the people at TINC and Innovation Norway believe in us, and can’t wait to experience Silicon Valley. We are ready for four weeks of meeting new and interesting people, learning about their businesses, ideas and experiences, and to tell our own story. There is no better place to get feedback and ideas, and it will be very interesting to see how we develop throughout the program. Today, we have a concept we are very proud of and feel that we can do great things with. The possibilities seem endless, and one of our goals with the program is to decide on the way forward towards establishing a well-functioning, international business.

We have already met with several of the mentors and those responsible for the program, and the impression so far is very good. This Wednesday we attended a TINC Alumni event in Oslo where 50 previous participants attended as well. It is inspiring to hear that they, without exception, say that going to San Francisco with TINC was a great experience, and that it helped shape the future of their companies (and lives?).

We are prepared for four weeks with hard work, close to no sleep, but a well of new experiences and new connections. During the program we are happy happy to keep you posted on our progress and experiences with TINC through a weekly letter like this. To make this interesting for everyone we would love your feedback and to know what you would like us to write about. We promise to exploit our Palo Alto zip code to the outmost, testing all sorts of delivery services, apps, and so on – and we’ll obviously keep you posted on our experiences. If anyone has tips for people to meet or places to see in the Bay area, we would greatly appreciate that too.

We would love to hear from you, and you can connect with us at Facebook.com/tiseapp and @Tiseit on Twitter.

All the best, Axel


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