Oslo Innovation Week is held in Oslo, Norway. This is the 12th edition. The week-long event includes full-day conferences, talks, pitching, workshops and parties. Oslo Innovation Week is a dugnad – a big collaboration – and the events are held by different organizers, such as corporates, startup networks and organizations. The organization Oslo Innovation Week is owned by the City of Oslo and Innovation Norway, and Oslo Business Region is project manager.
The agenda for 50 events at Oslo Innovation Week 2017 is business SOLUTIONS to solve global challenges.
Combining entrepreneurship, technology and innovation to drive global sustainable change.
#oslosolutions #powercouples #entrepreneurship #technology#innovation #sustainABILITY #womenintech #health #edtech #blockchain#smartercities #UNsSDGs #oiw2017 #cleanenergy#businessopportunities
In 2016, 10.700 entrepreneurs, investors, leaders, technology experts, innovation officers, new voices and journalists attended.
This year we all agree to
The Oslo Innovation Week Manifesto
1. Oslo Innovation Week sets the agenda for business solutions to the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals. Oslo Innovation Week will push the world forward by combining entrepreneurship, technology and innovation.
2. Actions speak louder than words. Oslo Innovation Week is all about innovation in action, no motivational talks or boring debates about what we, or someone else should be doing. No sales presentations either.
3. Powercouples drive the future of innovation. The future lies in bridging differences. Between established businesses and the newcomers. Between public and privat, academia and business. Across borders, disciplines and titles. A powercouple consists of great minds of different disciplines, complementing each other in solving the world’s challenges. All OIW events are powercouples.
4. New influencers are vital to find new solutions. Entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, micropreneurs, impact investors, tech experts, bold explorers and new thought leaders will have a voice at Oslo Innovation Week.
5. Gender equality and diversity is a complete no-brainer. Oslo Innovation Week has within its DNA a burning desire to achieve this, and empower all people.
6. Technology is an enabler, not the answer itself.
7. It’s a dugnad. We, the attendees, keynotes, partners and event organizers – create Oslo Innovation Week together. Networking and co-working are at core of all events.
8. Truly international. It takes place in Oslo, only to bring the world forward. All event organisers co-operate with international partners.
9. With a shared sense of urgency. Sustainable development goals need business solutions. It’s far too important to count on politicians or NGOs to solve things alone.
There has never been a better time for standing up for your values. We are the first generation who can end poverty, and the last that can fight climate change. 193 Member States of the United Nations have defined 17 Sustainability Development Goals. We feel a duty to act on it.
Being an attendee, an event organizer, a keynote speaker or a sponsor of Oslo Innovation Week, we all commit to the sustainability goals, and to The OIW Manifesto.
Save the date and book your stay 25-29 September now!
Tickets will be available in April/May.